Corner bistro
1 boulevard Barbot
35530 Noyal-sur-Vilaine
35530 Noyal-sur-Vilaine
Social networks
Our bar and restaurant Corner Bistro offers you a warm and friendly atmosphere at Noyal-sur-Vilaine.
We propose you a traditional, simple and generous kitchen. All meals are home-made.
Our card changes according to the season.
Essential information
Spoken languages
- French
- English
Services for people with reduced mobility
- 1 salle de réunion
- 40 couverts en terrasse
- 70 couverts max
- Bar
- Garden
- Private dining room
- Terrace
- Banquet
- Take away dishes
- Reservation of external facilities
- Caterer
Mean of payment
- Debit cards
- Postal or bank cheques
- 'Chèques de table' vouchers
- 'Chèques déjeuners' luncheon vouchers
- 'Chèques restaurant' vouchers
- Holiday vouchers
- Cash
- 'Tickets restaurants' vouchers
- Bank transfer
Corner bistro
1 boulevard Barbot
35530 Noyal-sur-Vilaine
35530 Noyal-sur-Vilaine
Social networks