Enigmaparc, parc de loisirs 100% couvert
ZA du bois de teillay
10, rue du Tellier
35150 Janzé
10, rue du Tellier
35150 Janzé
Social networks
/Tarif adulte Plein tarif
Whatever your age, the hero at this adventure park is you ! Experience an extraordinary adventure, unique in Europe, at enigmaparc, an indoor centre 15 minutes south of Rennes. 12 different themed worlds of mazes, riddles and games including Egypt, Polynesia, Mexico, Morocco. Great for birthdays, hen and stag parties, team building, product launches, school or work outings... contact us for details. Free parking, fast food outlets, shop.
Essential information
Spoken languages
- French
- English
- Spanish
Group accepted
YesSpoken languages (during the visit)
- French
- English
- Spanish
Self-guided group tour
YesFree individual visit
Yes- 180 min de visite en groupe (durée moyenne)
- 180 min de visite individuelle (durée moyenne)
Services & activities
- Bar
- Restaurant
- Shop
- Drinking water
- Play area
- Toilets
Rates 2025
- Tarif adulte Plein tarif : 19.5€
- Children's rate : 15€
- Children's rate : 18.5€
- Concessions : 13.5€
Mean of payment
- Debit cards
- Postal or bank cheques
- Holiday vouchers
- Cash
- Bank transfer
Enigmaparc, parc de loisirs 100% couvert
ZA du bois de teillay
10, rue du Tellier
35150 Janzé
10, rue du Tellier
35150 Janzé
Social networks